Archie the wonder dog:
*Blue and white - the hand quilting has finally started!
Archie the wonder dog:
*Ready to start hand quilting the background
Archie the wonder dog:
* Quilted star
Archie the wonder dog:
Playing *
Archie the wonder dog:
* Pulled thread
Archie the wonder dog:
*Cutting mat and ruler bag
Archie the wonder dog:
*Christmas cushion plans
Archie the wonder dog:
*Cushion cover kit
Archie the wonder dog:
*Seaside embroidery
Archie the wonder dog:
*LV strips
Archie the wonder dog:
Archie the wonder dog:
* Liberty and linen
Archie the wonder dog:
* I've managed to get a better photo of my latest #Lolapouch (pattern by @sotakhandmade) and the colours are more accurate than the one taken the other night. • I started this embroidery at a paisley shape workshop (where we designed our own embroidery af
Archie the wonder dog:
* Paisley birds
Archie the wonder dog:
*Drunkard's Path quilt - the front
Archie the wonder dog:
*Leftover grey and yellow
Archie the wonder dog:
* Appliquéd
Archie the wonder dog:
*2016-07-05 21.31.40
Archie the wonder dog:
*Pointy points
Archie the wonder dog:
*(yet another) Table runner
Archie the wonder dog:
* Remaining scraps
Archie the wonder dog:
*I'm catching up, @ochil_lynz! (Row 13) I'm off to find a couple of highlighters so I can find the RS and WS rows more easily on the chart! #lynzandhelenknitashawl
Archie the wonder dog:
*This bit of embroidery will, at some point, become a small bag so I have somewhere to put my ipod when I'm having a wander with Eddie or stitching in the garden.
Archie the wonder dog:
*This morning I wasn't sure I'd knit a second pair of socks, this afternoon I bought yarn for them! I think I'll go cuff down for these and see which I prefer.
Archie the wonder dog:
*Socks for me
Archie the wonder dog:
*I've done my swatch and been to my lys to get dpns (3.25mm). I've got my basic pattern (which I'm going to slightly alter, no surprise there!) and my stitch count (thanks, @ochil_lynz!) which means I'm ready to go, @sleepinsarah! #socksforaweegem
Archie the wonder dog:
* Look what I've just finished, @sleepinsarah! I'll get them in the post on Monday, probably Stingy class ;o) #socksforaweegem This is my seventh finish for this quarter of the #2016fal (and guess how many I've blogged. That's right, none of them! #musttr
Archie the wonder dog:
* Trying again, hopefully this time with the right yarn! Is this better, @sleepinsarah?!! #numpty #makingsocksforaweegem