Archie the wonder dog: * Facings attached, ready to grade seams and clip curves. That's a job for a less tired day, though.
Archie the wonder dog: * Pockets are on. Next job is to mark the 5/8" point on the corners of all the facings, ready for joining. (Joining won't happen today, I've done enough!) • I've fixed the problem with the dart - I'd moved it twice when tracing/adapting! I'm going to look
Archie the wonder dog: * Two sleeves! (Crumpled and not at all nicely presented, but it has two sleeves!)
Archie the wonder dog: * A sleeve! • • Cameo appearance by my beautiful cushion from @daisyandjack.
Archie the wonder dog: * Just the hem to go and my pinafore version of the @sewmesomething Kate dress will be ready to wear. That won't be today, though!
Archie the wonder dog: * Getting two pockets the same shape always takes longer than you think, doesn't it?! I need to make a cardboard template of the finished size and then I can gather/press around it as I think it'll be easier. That's all the dressmaking I'm doing today as