Emily Cavalier: Getting started
Emily Cavalier: Outside the shop (New York Adorned)
Emily Cavalier: Taking a picture of John, who's taking a picture of me
Emily Cavalier: My photographer for the night, and friend, John Smalls
Emily Cavalier: NY Adorned
Emily Cavalier: New York Adorned, b&w
Emily Cavalier: Damion doing the outline of the tattoo
Emily Cavalier: First draft
Emily Cavalier: Smiling because of the pain.
Emily Cavalier: Damion in black & white
Emily Cavalier: Damion Ross, New York Adorned
Emily Cavalier: Feel the sting
Emily Cavalier: Not Twittering!
Emily Cavalier: Damion Ross, the artist who did my tattoo
Emily Cavalier: A better perspective on location and size
Emily Cavalier: Showing off my new art to friends at the Roger Smith Hotel