Cyclogenesis_au: Louise and Isabelle decorating the tree
Cyclogenesis_au: Isabelle decorating the tree in our nice sunny corner
Cyclogenesis_au: Chicago Ave from the living room, post pine tree removal... What a good idea!
Cyclogenesis_au: I AM A ROBOT...
Cyclogenesis_au: Boots Collis, 11 Weeks
Cyclogenesis_au: It's a dog's life...
Cyclogenesis_au: Before the snow
Cyclogenesis_au: Hmm, road clearing was not exactly stellar...
Cyclogenesis_au: After the snow
Cyclogenesis_au: Sunny snowy day!
Cyclogenesis_au: Dog + snow = Awesome!
Cyclogenesis_au: Charlie putting her mark on the fresh snow in our front yard!