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micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Madonna of the Lilies. 1905. Oil on canvas. 247 x 182 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Slavs in Their Original Homeland. 1912. Tempera on canvas. 610 x 810 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic.
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Introduction of the Slavonic Liturgy. 1912. Tempera on canvas. 610 x 810 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic.
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Printing of the Bible of Kralice in Ivancice. 1914. Tempera on canvas. 610 x 810 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia. 1914. Tempera on canvas. 610 x 810 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Master Jan Hus Preaching at the Bethlehem Chapel. 1916. Tempera on canvas. 610 x 810 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Meeting of Krizky. 1916. Tempera on canvas. 620 x 405 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Jan Amos Komensky. 1918. Tempera on canvas. 405 x 620 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. France Embraces Bohemia. c. 1918. Oil on canvas. 122 x 105 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Jaroslava and Jiri - The Artist's Children. 1919. Oil on canvas. 82.8 x 82.8 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Fate. 1920. Oil on canvas. 51.5 x 53.5 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Hussite King Jiri z Podebrad. 1925. Tempera on canvas. 405 x 480 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Coronation of the Serbian Tsar Stepan Dusan as East Roman Emperor. 1926. Tempera on canvas. 405 x 480 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Holy Mount Athos. 1926. Tempera on canvas. 405 x 480 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. The Apotheosis of the Slavs. 1926. Oil on canvas. Private collection
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Woman with a Burning Candle. 1933. Oil on canvas. 78 x 79 cm. Mucha Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
micahchristensen: Alphonse Mucha. Stained-Glass Window in St. Vitus Cathedral. Prague, Czech Republic