Em98765: Stefan Gates playing a carrot bassoon
Em98765: Boxes waiting to be eaten...
Em98765: The menu!
Em98765: Bread Hands
Em98765: Experimental Food Society Exhibition 2011
Em98765: Emily Crane - Edible Couture
Em98765: Geographic Lasagne
Em98765: Amazing - might be a cake?
Em98765: Massive Physallis
Em98765: Cephalopod bowls!
Em98765: Flowers
Em98765: More Flowers
Em98765: Peacock feather tailor's dummy
Em98765: Peacock feather tailor's dummy
Em98765: Eiffel Tower detail!
Em98765: Eiffel Tower!
Em98765: Tudor style sweetie house
Em98765: The Flying Scotsman in Chocolate
Em98765: Nomnom Cake
Em98765: Mmm more cake
Em98765: And a bit more cake
Em98765: Making Dodo feathers
Em98765: This is a real cake - amazing!
Em98765: The Cake Conjurer
Em98765: The amazing Cutting a Cake in Half Trick
Em98765: Indian Rope Trick Cake
Em98765: Ouija Board Cake
Em98765: The Cake Conjurer
Em98765: Popcorn Cake
Em98765: Edible Birds