tastigr: boinve airportus
tastigr: motorcycle heading home
tastigr: Blaide's default position
tastigr: wattle
tastigr: B-6117
tastigr: VH-VZZ
tastigr: ...and?
tastigr: Ben and Blaide
tastigr: Vh-EBE
tastigr: VH-VOO
tastigr: VH-VOO
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: VH-VKB
tastigr: 9V-SWU
tastigr: 9V-SWU
tastigr: VH-VUJ
tastigr: a little swing on the side
tastigr: follow through
tastigr: VH-VZE
tastigr: VH-VZE
tastigr: towards the end of day
tastigr: Operations Road
tastigr: towards the south
tastigr: sunflare and ring
tastigr: looking west