moonlit2011: Victory
moonlit2011: After the Swim
moonlit2011: Cold, Wet, and Happy
moonlit2011: New Style Swim Suit?
moonlit2011: Rainbow Tutu
moonlit2011: Is that a Puffin?
moonlit2011: Must Have Tie
moonlit2011: Lady in a Red Dress
moonlit2011: Swimmers are Go
moonlit2011: The Race is On
moonlit2011: No Age Limit
moonlit2011: Bride and Groom
moonlit2011: Tropical Polar Bear Swimmer
moonlit2011: Anticipation
moonlit2011: Calm Before the Storm (of Swimmers)
moonlit2011: Santa's Elves Checking it Out
moonlit2011: Gathering
moonlit2011: A Little Slacklining before the Swim
moonlit2011: More Leggings
moonlit2011: A Pirate & Poseidon
moonlit2011: Animals Welcome