Turnertower: Still light at 10:30
Turnertower: Home for the night, my little Force 10 still going strong about 8 years in. I don’t camp as often as I should!
Turnertower: Lucky boy on his mega walkies
Turnertower: Yoohoo 🙋‍♀️
Turnertower: Rods leading the charge down Raiberts. I much prefer ascending to descending. Which he also always leads on too 😂
Turnertower: He had been eying up this patch since we got to the plateau 😂 I think he remembered it from the other night
Turnertower: Nothing like a scramble with a spaniel before breakfast 👀😂
Turnertower: Some spot (can you spy the tent?)
Turnertower: Shelter stone
Turnertower: Few too many dips close to sunset gave him the chills
Turnertower: Been meaning to do this camp for years now. I knew the sunset would be better from the plateau but it’s such a great spot, def glad to visit. We can always camp up the plateau another night!
Turnertower: Wonderful Loch A’an, Shelter stone crag and Carn Etchachan
Turnertower: Half way home at 7am - Coire Cas. Get up, get it done, get some coffee and a shower I say 😂