Turnertower: 2022 - the year to be more Rods. Three months in (bar the recent disappearing act), it’s definitely the way to be 🐶
Turnertower: Lochan na Beinne, Ryvoan and Meall a’Bhuachaille from Creagan Dubh, Coire na Ciste
Turnertower: That said…a Spaniel’s work is never done
Turnertower: Oh for a wild camp. Last May we caught a good sunset from this very spot
Turnertower: If a spaniel invites you (bugs you all day long whilst you’re slumped in a malaise), never say no.
Turnertower: Goat track is still chocka
Turnertower: Allt Coire an-t-Sneachda
Turnertower: Some spot for a Capercaille latrine 😂 Set the camera up for three days and got 700 videos … of one roe deer
Turnertower: If you think 10km and 2000ft passes for a decent walkies woman…I suppose I shall sit and wait until you see fit to take me out AGAIN 👀‍♀️😂
Turnertower: Ahhhhh. Cool feetsies ☺️
Turnertower: Shadows getting longer
Turnertower: Who’s idea was this, without a bite to eat since lunch time? 🙈👀‍♀️
Turnertower: Aways a wander with ma wee pal (nae sausage rolls the neet though)
Turnertower: Need to brush up on my Northern Corries. I know that’s the Great Slab - midfield and Fiacaill beyond that. Much help appreciated for the gulley? Y gulley?
Turnertower: Tour de Corries tonight, and what a night for it 😍
Turnertower: Only planned to go up to our usual spot here. I am working right through the weekend. But it was so bonny and bumped into a friend walking out from a climb, he inspired me to do the round of the Corries!
Turnertower: When you can ride your bike at 10pm for the third time in one day, all has got to be right with the world ☺️
Turnertower: I frickin love June
Turnertower: Long shadows down the Glen and still 26 degrees at 8pm! Scorcher in the Gorms today
Turnertower: Imagine you’ve been dozing all day, then she finally comes home (boring lunchtime walkies don’t count) and freedom ensues! The rest of the time he has to ‘make do’ with chasing a bike. Lucky boy
Turnertower: Reindeer above Loch Morlich on the flanks of Cairn Gorm
Turnertower: Hello September. Indian summer would be quite alright 🙌
Turnertower: How does Fiacaill look so small from here?
Turnertower: Following the lead out train, who was chuffing on all ovens blazing 🚂 🚂 🚂
Turnertower: Haircut 100