Turnertower: One of the easy peasy bits at Dalbeattie- the rest of it is just a pant wetting minefield of steep granite 😂
Turnertower: Cardinal sin - don't look down, look where you want to be riding cos then your front tyre doesn't do a 180. There's only so much your amazing bike and tyres can do for you woman 😂
Turnertower: Hair's gotta look right for 'The Instigator'
Turnertower: Skills loop - Instigator where you can practice your 'I'm totally not crapping myself rn' facial expressions on stuff that's you know, not quite 90 degrees 😂
Turnertower: Three stooges - 'I got this. Totally got this' 'Hmm, let's try riding it out, I still got this'. 'Nuh, I'll let this one slide'