Turnertower: Big Sean giving it some on Berm Baby Berm
Turnertower: Wee Tom and wee rods
Turnertower: Silliness prevailed
Turnertower: Sion all smiles at the end of the night
Turnertower: Johnny, don't you dare put a foot down you big crazy kid
Turnertower: Vikki and a dug with eyes as big as his belly
Turnertower: Sundown and still time for pratting about on bikes.
Turnertower: BBQ and a begging dog
Turnertower: Anna and Johnny play cat n mouse...who's who, I've got no idea
Turnertower: Bombing around the car park has never been so much fun
Turnertower: No Johnny, just no.
Turnertower: Euan on one of his favourite flowy sections - Blue Velvet
Turnertower: Big Sean doesn't do waterproofs apparently
Turnertower: Euan and his mechanicals and I do believe Sion is yawning whilst he fixes it ;-o
Turnertower: Amy (Sion's Amy) on Blue Velvet
Turnertower: Saturated selfie!
Turnertower: Johnny packed the race face today and his shorter stem has worked a treat!
Turnertower: How many bikers does it take to unstick a sticky gear cable?!? Gaaaaah - I need to learn this stuff if I want to get where I'm going!!!
Turnertower: Your riders for the evening, in descending height order - Big Sean (obvs), Emily, me and wee Alex