Turnertower: Joining the Southern Upland Way in Watermeetings forest
Turnertower: Johnny on Glenleith fell
Turnertower: Looking back down Glenaggart from Kettleton Byre
Turnertower: Black hill Moss to Glenleith fell
Turnertower: Several expletives shy of the top of Wedder Law
Turnertower: Lost count of the number of gate openings and closings today. #buzzkill
Turnertower: Thankful for a Southern Upland Way sign
Turnertower: Atop Shiel Dod I think, about to descend, when I really didn't want to...after so much climbing. Noooooo, because that only means you've got to climb again! Haha.
Turnertower: I'd just switched camera off to save battery and managed to totally miss Johnny ploughing right through this quite deep ford
Turnertower: Fording the burn at Kirkhope. Johnny ploughed through successfully. I took the wimps option across this ricketty old thing.
Turnertower: Finally a rideable surface! Much rejoicing. Then swearing again.
Turnertower: The Lowther Golf Ball, which had been a beacon of hope the whole day, from the A702
Turnertower: Let the Downyhilly fun (and totally sketchy line choices) commence!
Turnertower: Catching some waves...nowhere near as impressive as the one I missed though!
Turnertower: The Durisdeer Roman Road
Turnertower: 2 miles straight down, very fast chutey rubble stuff, all the way home. And was it worth it? Hmmmmmm, jury is still out
Turnertower: The lovely tiny hamlet of Durisdeer, if you can find it
Turnertower: Theme of the day 'oh look, some more up'. (Polite way of putting it)
Turnertower: Start as you mean to go on, with one big, ginormous, hefty climb straight out of Durisdeer
Turnertower: First things first, let me just drop my phone in this puddle here
Turnertower: Lowther Hills