Turnertower: dewy crocuses/croci?
Turnertower: Even more faves
Turnertower: More droplets
Turnertower: My faves
Turnertower: Daffs in December, the world's gone mad
Turnertower: In the land of the dreich, the frostiest leaves are King!
Turnertower: Reminds me of an Armadillo or fish scales?
Turnertower: Lopped the top off - poo
Turnertower: Trees, a mum and a dog
Turnertower: Tree hunting with Dad
Turnertower: For Mummy T - she always likes a lone tree on a skyline
Turnertower: Autumn in Edinburgh
Turnertower: Autumn
Turnertower: Autumn
Turnertower: Bluebells, Kingswood Surrey
Turnertower: Slightly obsessed with bluebells
Turnertower: 51 weeks ago at Littleheath Woods, Surrey and we are back off to southerny bits tomorrow (feel dirty already). Funny how things come full circle.
Turnertower: Daftie in the daffs
Turnertower: Sea of daffs - shame the sun wasn't quite hitting them yet
Turnertower: Daftie take II - phone pic