Turnertower: I'd ordinarily chop this down to letterbox view, but with that much blue, how could I?
Turnertower: Auld Reekie looking not too shabby
Turnertower: Let it snow - flake on the lens and glare are free ;-)
Turnertower: Let it snow
Turnertower: Edinburgh city sunrise
Turnertower: Sea of daffs - shame the sun wasn't quite hitting them yet
Turnertower: Daftie in the daffs
Turnertower: 6:30pm and still light for after work walkies! Welcome back Spring, we've missed ya
Turnertower: Five minutes of sun this morning! Enjoy it whilst you can
Turnertower: Most castles have a moat, Edinburgh has a sea of daffs!
Turnertower: Crammond Island
Turnertower: Newhaven Lighthouse
Turnertower: Crammond Island bunker
Turnertower: Newhaven
Turnertower: Newhaven Harbour - silly glare spot!
Turnertower: Wee man on Crammond causeway
Turnertower: He made me do those stairs again...with his smug face, smart arse and endless span-ergy
Turnertower: Lucky boy - three walkies today. Gullane beach, Whiteadder reservoir (where he caught a hare eeeeek) and Blackford hill for sundown.
Turnertower: Tulips from...Edinburgh
Turnertower: Windswept Roddy at Blackford hill
Turnertower: Doppelgänger Spaniels...Toby and Roddy
Turnertower: Gladhouse sunset
Turnertower: Bluebells and the crazy one
Turnertower: Calling this - 'a bed in the bluebells'