Turnertower: Trimmed autumnal Ben
Turnertower: Roddy says 'Mon the snowz, I gots some serious leaping, digging and skiddzing to do'
Turnertower: Dreams in black and white, send me off to sleep for the night
Turnertower: View towards a Crianlarich snowy sundown
Turnertower: Turner (with the tiny eyes of a shrew) and Pooch on the Ben
Turnertower: My dog's paw prints in fesh snow and a Sphinx like cairn. Ben Nevis, on Christmas Day!
Turnertower: Zoom in on East view
Turnertower: Gully after gully full of the white stuff
Turnertower: Walkies in a fluffy (but scary ass) winter wonderland
Turnertower: 3 tiers of serious snowy, icy stuff . Almost like a scary wedding cake
Turnertower: Praying that cloud stays down there whilst I blag my way up Carn Dearg
Turnertower: Frosty the snowspaniel
Turnertower: OOOOOH Soon my pretties, soon. We shall return!
Turnertower: The Three Wise Men got a bit snowed under this year...
Turnertower: Rods and the best part of a Mamores skyline
Turnertower: My dog at the foot of one of the biggest, baddest North faces you'll find this side of the Eiger
Turnertower: A whirling dervish of rock, snow and ice.
Turnertower: Christmas Day on the Ben. One of the best Christmases ever! :-D
Turnertower: Oh gosh, by gosh
Turnertower: Snowy, snowy mountains make me happy :-D. Unforgettable Christmas!
Turnertower: Hmmmm should've got Vienetta for pud
Turnertower: The sea of tranquility...
Turnertower: CMD was very claggy and the tourist track was erm...just annoying, so we freestyled it up between the Castle and Carn Dearg - 4.5 hours all in.
Turnertower: Whatcha doin down there slowcoach?
Turnertower: Hairy Cornice Roulette time eeeeeekkk