Turnertower: Dreaming of some Cairngormy goodness on a horrible night. Still, Autumn has been kind
Turnertower: A winters morning at the Hutchison bothy (from last winter. It's not quite this covered yet, few more days though and it might be)
Turnertower: Jumps for Joy in January (2013)
Turnertower: A tale of two coires. Oh and Roddy's tail. Cheers for that pal.
Turnertower: Can I, can I, can I?
Turnertower: Chasing the cloud - looks so innocuous without the usual winter coat. Then it's a whole nutha matter!
Turnertower: Loch Morlich. Of course the sun always comes out just as you're leaving
Turnertower: And down t'other side - ooooh Great Slab, bringer of such wintry doom. Cannae wait til you're covered in the white stuff again!
Turnertower: Repeat Offenders. Except this time Roddy *made* me run it. Yup.
Turnertower: Coire an-t Sneachta 2014 comparison
Turnertower: Coire an-t Sneachda looking very sedate compared to the last time I was here. Which was in a whiteout and up to my waist in snow in parts
Turnertower: Cor blimey Rods
Turnertower: Coire an Lochain
Turnertower: Slight hair malfunction on the ridge
Turnertower: Rods on the Ridge. Bit boring without the snow. But it won't be long now
Turnertower: Follow the yellow gravel road...
Turnertower: Drumochter making me pine for the er...Lochs. Not quite Fjords
Turnertower: The visibility had me wondering what the hell I was doing wandering around Loch Etchachan in winter... The words -'sod that for a lark' spring to mind today :s
Turnertower: Cairngorms in summer suck. It was like Piccadilly Circus on crack today. New rule, I shall only return when it's knee deep in snow! Ugh.
Turnertower: Sunrise snow roll in March from the Hutchison bothy. A reminder that life in Scotland can be very, very different in the blink of a few months!
Turnertower: Get some 'snow saudades' going on - something missing, something lost, something inside
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Turnertower: A lochan, a spaniel and a pristine Cairngorm skyline. Life doesn't get much better than that.
Turnertower: Jeezos look at that stem (edited 2023 👀😂)
Turnertower: Dimple coires on Braeriach. Very curvy indeed
Turnertower: Loch Einich, taken between Carn Ban Mor and Sgor Gaoith, looking north east towards the immense Flanks of Braeriach. The Cairngorms sure have been laying on the weather for us of late!