Turnertower: Never seen such a sky in the Gorms before!
Turnertower: Rods checking out the big bird in the sky. You can take 'em Rods
Turnertower: Rods and the Lairig Ghru. Just. Wow
Turnertower: Enjoying the view after mostly sliding down the Chalamain gap
Turnertower: D'ya think he knows which way the Ptarmigan went?
Turnertower: Northern Corries in fine fettle!
Turnertower: Surreal snowy moorland landscape - always reminds me of Vienetta, cos I'm classy like that
Turnertower: Just throw the snowball woman
Turnertower: Ahem, blurry lens, did not fall A over T honest ...
Turnertower: Sneachda living up to the name - ooooh want to climb now please!
Turnertower: P1000251
Turnertower: Just before he disappeared chasing ptarmigan for about an hour. Scared the life out of me
Turnertower: Off with their heads!
Turnertower: Is it Black and White? No idea
Turnertower: Peace in the valley, peace in the soul
Turnertower: P1000187
Turnertower: More glare than you can shake a stick at. I met a lady who stayed at Corrour the night before who had a BRIGHT red face from wind burn. No wonder!
Turnertower: P1000177
Turnertower: Hard life being chaffeured to the snow, running around like a lunatic and then sleeping all the way home.
Turnertower: Ahhhh beautiful but b.b.baltic!
Turnertower: P1000182
Turnertower: I ran that in November?!? Could barely shuffle through on friday :-(
Turnertower: P1000153
Turnertower: Didn't wake up in the best of moods this morning, but once I'd made the effort to haul ass northwards, boy was it worth it! Unbelievable scenery accompanied by you-know-who always brightens up any day!
Turnertower: New tyres. New lease of life! Let it rip today. In places, phaps more than I should on a new trail but the Magic Mary's just rock 😅
Turnertower: Lairig Ghru - who needs trail centres when you're in the Cairngorms?!?
Turnertower: Minty and her Magic Mary's - pretty much back to full bull dozer capacity
Turnertower: What a face 😂 Dreaded this rooty bit on the climb. But not even a weeble on the descent!