Turnertower: Loch Einich, taken between Carn Ban Mor and Sgor Gaoith, looking north east towards the immense Flanks of Braeriach. The Cairngorms sure have been laying on the weather for us of late!
Turnertower: Loch Einich panorama, went a wee bit kidney dish esque
Turnertower: Loch Einich from near Sgor Gaoith
Turnertower: That's what I was thinking of the bike by this stage
Turnertower: Thought it was game over for a second or two when the bike fell over ...
Turnertower: An awfie lotta pushin, sunburn in September, but one heck of a fun descent back down Carn Ban Mor today.
Turnertower: Le snow en route up Carn ban Mor
Turnertower: Lovely Cairngormy singletrack. One can dream
Turnertower: Rods was mesmerised by the Glen Feshie gliding club. He also tried chasing the gliders. Bless
Turnertower: Another hot day for the wee man. Look at the tiny travel on my old gal too. No wonder my teeth nearly fell oot!
Turnertower: Running the gauntlet on drainage ditch alley...just you wait til summer, now I'm fully-sussed up! Bring it ooooonnnnn :-)
Turnertower: Roddy: 'Stop being a fanny and get on with it, I'dve been to the top and back at the car by now if I wasn't waiting for you'
Turnertower: Note the tide-mark on the forks...how I never bottomed out the old gal I have no idea? Bless her!
Turnertower: A lochan, a spaniel and a pristine Cairngorm skyline. Life doesn't get much better than that.
Turnertower: Jeezos look at that stem (edited 2023 πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚)
Turnertower: Dimple coires on Braeriach. Very curvy indeed
Turnertower: Rods and Loch Einich
Turnertower: Coire Ruadh - the turn around point before it just got too ridiculous to stand upright. Sgor Gaoith (peak of the wind) living up to its name. Third time the windy peak has kept me off!
Turnertower: Best descent by bike in Scotland I’d vouch and in perfect condition right now - in February?!?(up until the snow line at about 600m). See how windy it was from the pine behind Roddy
Turnertower: A few years ago I tried this for the first time and scared the bejeebers out of myself. Still not a speed demon, but tonight I was def wondering if someone had turned off all the steep...β€β™€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸš² yay for progress!
Turnertower: After work shoot down Carn Ban Mor. Pinch me, I must be dreaming?!
Turnertower: Minty, carrying me as usual
Turnertower: He’s such a scruffpot right now! Despite ongoing floof maintenance...we need a whole day dedicated to defloofyfying soon