Turnertower: Found a way I can still ride with Rods. Reds have become a battle of not killing the dog by too much speed, but hit a black and I'm back to pensioner pace for the techy stuff. That way he gets to laugh at me from miles up ahead!
Turnertower: A quick Border raid today (and much filtering, as its reet grim doon soooooth - leek my Geordie accent thar pet?)
Turnertower: My first full black route - Kielder Deadwater. Surrounded by teenagers in full face helmets and slower than a slug stuck in treacle downhill but I did it! And it was ok :-)
Turnertower: Dug barking at inanimate objects in a loch, trees, single track. Life doesn't get much better.
Turnertower: Lonesome pines red route, Kielder.If you want to avoid the crowded highlands, head to the borders and Northumberland. Just lovely :)
Turnertower: Deadwater Fell - you ready for London yet pal?