Turnertower: A not so beautiful day at Laggan
Turnertower: Laggan Wolftrax. Views were better higher up but I was too busy trying not to die to take a pic!
Turnertower: Ardvreckie
Turnertower: About the only few hundred yards at Laggan today that weren’t a toboggan run. I mean I know it’s been the Winter Olympics...but come on now 😂❄️
Turnertower: Few sneaky mtb trails start from the Fort. I love to bike, but biking over a Scheduled Ancient Monument 🤔 Not cool
Turnertower: Laggan black - sure packs some punches, to the shin mostly 😫
Turnertower: Loch Laggan and a tired pup
Turnertower: Looking out from Dun da lamh hill fort to Glen shirra
Turnertower: Not even Minty could save me from some atrocious riding today 😂 Think my luck was up after last weeks run of epic riding
Turnertower: Post Nevis tippy toes cool down and seriously fighting the urge to ride Honeymonster. But it was 25 degrees by this avo and that’s no good for crazy Spaniels to be chasing bikes! Laggan will still be there another day
Turnertower: Messing aboot the woods again
Turnertower: Wish I could have the same mood regardless 😂🐶 Happy as a pig in...... 🙊
Turnertower: First ride at Laggan since May, which is quite frankly outrageous!? What was I doing all summer? 😂 So I’ve forgotten the lines I used to take. Had to do a few U turns and didn’t commit enough to a slab and got stuck under my bike on a ledge
Turnertower: Found the perfect hideout 🏰🙅‍♀️
Turnertower: Honeymonster on repeat laps the neet, as it‘s running👌
Turnertower: Melgarve Bothy. Still locked, but I think it’s fair game now. Hopefully a wee Bothy trip with pals soon!
Turnertower: Back on dry land and back to b’ness 🐶🌲😉
Turnertower: Rods reconnected with an old friend today - a log I confiscated back in September 😅
Turnertower: Honey Monster and the fluffy monster (look how dry it is at Laggan 🙌😍🙏)
Turnertower: Getting my steep fix on at Laggan 💪 3 laps: Angry Beaver (don’t know any of the lines, eeeeeek), Honey Monster (love it) and the lower bit of Brown here, because the upper is mental steep and techy. Loads to work on as usual
Turnertower: Looks like rolling over a speed bump from here 😂‍♀️ Felt like the Leogang DH final yesterday to me 😂