Turnertower: Dem hills be rollin, I be hatin. Good god what have I let myself in for...
Turnertower: Mucking aboots in the Gorms again :-)
Turnertower: The bestest trail buddy!
Turnertower: Glas Maol looking distinctly more Grey and Green (as the Gaelic suggests) than the white that it should be this time of year!
Turnertower: Oooooft poor Glenshee
Turnertower: Oh my lovely Gorms
Turnertower: At least someone got some sliding in today
Turnertower: Toss up between the bike and foot today. As I've been on a run roll all week we did the Shee Shuffle. This running lark ain't going too bad once you get back into it...
Turnertower: Glen Shizz n an Arco Iris
Turnertower: Bloody pylons