Turnertower: Cairngorm wondering
Turnertower: Get yer rocks aff
Turnertower: A walk in the Gorms
Turnertower: Tomorrow's quarry (pic from winter obvs) - Jocks Road. Heading for the Glittering Skellies (love the name) and Loch Kander. No more waiting for good weather as it just keeps eluding me. Just need to go for it and see what the pics turn out like.
Turnertower: P1000731
Turnertower: Mucky mutt on Mayar
Turnertower: Rush hour in Glen Clova
Turnertower: A very rainy Corrie Fee
Turnertower: View from the Glen Clova Hotel
Turnertower: Ahhhh, Scottish summertime
Turnertower: Minister's Road - Glen Prosen to Glen Clova
Turnertower: Uch. On foot. Mud. Glen Prosen. Back on the bike tomorrow thank goodness
Turnertower: Apparently the Grouse of Glen Lee are extra, extra, extra fun to chase :-/
Turnertower: Autumn display in Edzell
Turnertower: Ach, Scotland. Even better than the weather forecast. Beauty!
Turnertower: Dark and light in Glen Lee
Turnertower: Sunshine. Always welcome in Scotland - but the clocks going back means it's lingering low in the sky, which the crows feet could, quite frankly, do without ;-o
Turnertower: Great spot for a bivi!
Turnertower: Carlochy and Loch Lee
Turnertower: Pano of Carlochy and Loch Lee
Turnertower: Loch Lee