Turnertower: Windy, craggy, claggy and spanielly
Turnertower: Some snow, Braeriach. It was cold. This is good!
Turnertower: The Lairig Ghru
Turnertower: Brrrrrrrrr - freezin ma bahoochie aff on Braeriach
Turnertower: Loch Coire an Lochan, Braeriach
Turnertower: Loch Coire an Lochain, Braeriach
Turnertower: Loch Coire an Lochan, Braeriach
Turnertower: Loch Coire an Lochan, Braeriach. My new favourite of all the Coire an lochains (of which there are soooo MANY)
Turnertower: Loch Coire an Lochan, Braeriach
Turnertower: Coire Brochain with rolling mist
Turnertower: Stay frosty, especially when your dog tippy toes close to the edge of a gully
Turnertower: Just to scare you ginger lady, I'll prance around in it like a loon...yeah?
Turnertower: Solemn scowly face is because my climbing buddy is leaving me just as the Cairngorms are coming into condition :( Poop
Turnertower: Ooooh hello winter, what's that you say? Where did I leave my climbing balls? Erm, yeah I'll call you back...
Turnertower: Could be Mars, could be the Cairngorms. Nobody knows
Turnertower: Nice one Rods, just sit right there. Cheers
Turnertower: Oi, you. Sun. Not whinging. Nice to see you every now and then in Scotland, but seriously, dude you're getting in ma way...!
Turnertower: I found the snowz, must roll!
Turnertower: Quick - cloud's cleared. Make a run for it. 2 seconds later. Ahhh drat
Turnertower: 15 miles in Inov8s. In the Cairngorms. Late November. No cold feet. Not even a slight A over T moment...
Turnertower: Oooooh moody Gorms
Turnertower: Too much sun, never too much spaniel ;)
Turnertower: Rods peering over into the Lairig Ghru
Turnertower: Don't care if there's too much sun, I think it looks preddy!
Turnertower: Ahhhh I could sit and stare at light like this all day!
Turnertower: Oh gawd, I don't know how many times I thought he was going to disappear off the end of the world today! Argh