Turnertower: Goat track wasn’t going in trainers, so round the rim it was
Turnertower: Fiacaill and the Fidget
Turnertower: One of my favourite trail runs is the Coire an Lochain path. The flow you can sometimes hit, if you’re not stumbling over rocks (as I usually do) is as near as damn near the much craved state of flow from riding.
Turnertower: If I’m not at work, you know where I’ll be … (well, that or Burnside 😂)
Turnertower: Recreating the same pose from Ae, god knows how many years ago
Turnertower: Spanielling up Sneachda
Turnertower: Rowan’s first time above 1000m. One deaf-eared mountain hare incident, but apart from that he was good
Turnertower: Me and Mr Rows about half way. Up and down CG, skirt Sneachda, then down Cas (ufffft I’ll admit I hiked and tripoded down to the rideable bit)
Turnertower: Snow stop play
Turnertower: Yes, Scotland. I frickin love May. It’s the perfect month before the midgies and tourists arrive en masse
Turnertower: Actual proper mountain biking for once. It should be called - ‘sliding around a skanky wet forest biking’ most of the time (especially in Scotland)
Turnertower: Nice night working on some stuff at Laggan. Bit of progress, bit of a back step on confidence. But then Laggan will do that 😬😳😂