tburwinkle: Great Wall as seen from the plane
tburwinkle: Beijing as seen from the plane
tburwinkle: Starbucks at the Beijing airport
tburwinkle: Beijing airport
tburwinkle: Beijing airport
tburwinkle: Streets of Beijing
tburwinkle: Streets of Beijing
tburwinkle: Streets of Beijing
tburwinkle: View from my hotel room- Beijing
tburwinkle: Revolving door at the hotel
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo and the Butt Pants
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo
tburwinkle: Beijing Zoo