SudhirKReddy: Plumbeous Water Redstart
SudhirKReddy: Kingfisher
SudhirKReddy: Grey Bushchat Male
SudhirKReddy: Siberian Chiffchaff
SudhirKReddy: Indian Roller
SudhirKReddy: Black Winged Kite
SudhirKReddy: Barred Owlet
SudhirKReddy: Giant Golden Orb Weaver
SudhirKReddy: Potrait of Rock Dove
SudhirKReddy: Asian Barred Owl
SudhirKReddy: Whiskered Yuhina.
SudhirKReddy: Rufous Sibia
SudhirKReddy: Asian Paraidse Fly Catcher
SudhirKReddy: woodpecker
SudhirKReddy: Red-wattled lapwing
SudhirKReddy: Indian Robin
SudhirKReddy: Hill Myna
SudhirKReddy: Black Kite
SudhirKReddy: KingFisher
SudhirKReddy: Blue Whistling thrush
SudhirKReddy: Rufous Treepie
SudhirKReddy: Potrait of Peafowl
SudhirKReddy: Gray Bushchat Male
SudhirKReddy: Common Starling
SudhirKReddy: Red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus) at
SudhirKReddy: Indian cormorant - Phalacrocorax fuscicollis
SudhirKReddy: River Terns - Sterna aurantia
SudhirKReddy: White Capped RedStart (Phoenicurus leucocephalus)
SudhirKReddy: Eumyias thalassinus