nefotografas: PS1R2376_Porst Super weitwinkel 28mm f2.8
nefotografas: PS1R2403_Porst Super weitwinkel 28mm f2.8
petrapetruta: The flare of love
petrapetruta: Love letters
nat123601: Meyer-Optik Görlitz Lydith 30 mm f/ 3.5
sandterne: Naturephoto of the year, Denmark 2017
Dhina A: Lens flare
Dhina A: Glory of the snow
Joe Effendi (Always Late!): "I gotta get out on my own"
Blythehill: Aldis Anastigmat 2.5/8.5Cm Projection Lens M42 Focusing Mount
Blythehill: Aldis Anastigmat 2.5/85 Projection Lens adapted to M42
Tero Karppinen: [Small Fungi 32]
roelivtil: In the sunshine
Jims Wildlife: Australasian Grebe
Jims Wildlife: Australasian Grebe
rldrummond: Australasian Grebe - Cavendish, Victoria
Ian Colley Photography: Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae)
nikjanssen: Spring still life
Sandelholz 64: Durchbruch
scott5024: Pied -Billed Grebe
Ronald Seidlboeck: Spring is coming
Jordi Sureda: The Eternal Mist
Wim Hoek: Waterbuck / Waterbok
andredekesel: Theodosia
jjablonski35: Sanderling
monte stinnett: elegant terns
beedriver: Таймлапс-1
beedriver: Проявка 1
beedriver: Тонирование