mrphotographica: A bird in the hand!
mrphotographica: Treecreeper
mrphotographica: Marsh Tit
mrphotographica: Nuthatch
mrphotographica: Marsh Tit
mrphotographica: Marsh Tit
mrphotographica: Now that's what I call a murmuration
mrphotographica: A bird in the hand the movie.
mrphotographica: Confiding Treecreeper
mrphotographica: Don't call me a square.
mrphotographica: Why not go and see the starlings roost?
mrphotographica: Starling murmuration
mrphotographica: Starling murmuration 2
mrphotographica: Glossy Ibis
mrphotographica: Curlew Sandpipers
mrphotographica: Curlew Sandpiper
mrphotographica: Curlew Sandpiper stepping out
mrphotographica: Red Deer
mrphotographica: Murmuration....more like a murmur!
mrphotographica: Another shape (still)
mrphotographica: In the thick of it.
mrphotographica: Down to roost.
mrphotographica: Male Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly???????
mrphotographica: Where there's Light.