neaters1965: DSCN1903
neaters1965: Juniper (Jewel)
neaters1965: Nimbus/Encore and Knight
neaters1965: London, Mica and Malpais
neaters1965: Demure and Juniper
neaters1965: Horizon
neaters1965: Sapo and Hamlet
neaters1965: ??-Cappuccino-Blanca
neaters1965: Quasar
neaters1965: Baby Quasar and Prima
neaters1965: Clouds Pride and Missoula
neaters1965: Kitalpha
neaters1965: Hightail (winter coat)
neaters1965: Corona
neaters1965: Niobrara and Phoenix
neaters1965: Phoenix and Niobrara
neaters1965: Killian ?
neaters1965: Celt and Bolder
neaters1965: Jasmine
neaters1965: Cappuccino/Casper
neaters1965: Blanca (Mariah)
neaters1965: Demure and Juniper (Jewel)