5telios: The black castle of Afyon, July 2007
5telios: Just another day in Amyclae, September 2011
5telios: View of inscription, Church of Sergius and Bacchus
5telios: Working at height - Colosseum
5telios: Pantheon-Rome
5telios: Trajan's Column with the Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary
5telios: Respect
5telios: Acrocorinth mosqe, internal, Spring 2006
5telios: General view over Dumlupinar cemetery
5telios: Finding spolia in Ankara
5telios: Cavers on the island
5telios: Kostas and the spider-web
5telios: The Kolones Cave on Kastellorizo
5telios: Entrance to the Zesta Nera Cave, Sidhirokastro
5telios: Survey class, Aghia Marina cave, April 2011
5telios: Aghia Marina Cave, October 2012
5telios: Skyrian Little Owl, June 2011
5telios: Caterpillar, Parnassos, June 2012
5telios: Mouthparts!! (June 2012)
5telios: Naxian Lizard 2012
5telios: Naxian red, August 2012
5telios: "LoL Spiders" never really would catch on... September 2012
5telios: LEMONS!
5telios: LBM up close, Parnassos, October 2012
5telios: Stal (soda straw), Kamilari, Crete, April 2012
5telios: The tyranny of perspective: Stoa of Attalus, Athenian Agora, January 2012
5telios: Chili seed (Bucovo variety), dry
5telios: Chili seeds (Bucovo variety), wet
5telios: In the kitchen cupboard, on the kitchen table, Ruined Houses 3, (August 2013)
5telios: Snails and spiderwebs I (August 2013)