5telios: Ariadne at the Olympia snack-bar, October 2011 (processed)
5telios: Ariadne at the Olympia snack-bar, October 2011 (as scanned)
5telios: Korinna with N. at the Olympia snack bar, October 2011 (processed)
5telios: Korinna with N. at the Olympia snack bar, October 2011 (as scanned)
5telios: Gymnasium at Olympia, October 2011, Ica Icarette (unprocessed)
5telios: Gymnasium at Olympia, October 2011, Ica Icarette (processed)
5telios: The age of gold: The Philippeion at Olympia, October 2011
5telios: Philippeion, Olympia, October 2011 (as scanned)
5telios: Temple of Zeus, Olympia, October 2011 (processed)
5telios: Temple of Zeus, Olympia, October 2011 (as scanned)
5telios: Ica Icarette with 10,5mm f/6.8 lens, October 2011
5telios: Ica Icarette with 10,5mm f/6.8 lens, October 2011 (close-up)