5telios: rodin-danaid
5telios: Sandal-binder
5telios: Lion-pediment
5telios: Moschophoros
5telios: Iron age - wooden table
5telios: Iron-age cauldron fitting
5telios: Mother and baby
5telios: Could it be Pan?
5telios: Iron-age griffin
5telios: Neolithic mother figure
5telios: Close-up of hittite standard
5telios: Hittite sun disk
5telios: Hittite sun disk
5telios: So-called frying pan vessel
5telios: Mycenaean phi and psi figures - Delphi museum
5telios: Griffin head - Delphi museum
5telios: Votive horses - Delphi museum
5telios: Bronze helmet inscibed with cow - Delphi museum
5telios: Frieze from the treasury of the Siphnians - Delphi Museum
5telios: Details of the Siphnian treasury
5telios: Details of the Siphnian treasury
5telios: Cleobis / Biton detail
5telios: Cleobis / Biton detail
5telios: Antinous at the Delphi museum
5telios: Delphi charioteer detail
5telios: Delphi charioteer detail
5telios: Delphi charioteer detail
5telios: Delphi charioteer detail
5telios: Delphi charioteer detail
5telios: Naxian Sphinx