5telios: K and the kite
5telios: K in control
5telios: K with the kite
5telios: K with the kite
5telios: Spolia on the Palatine, with K
5telios: Colossal bronze Constantine parts
5telios: Constantine at the Capitoline with K
5telios: The entrance to Selinitsa, Feb 2010
5telios: Cousins at the museum, April 2011
5telios: Puppet show at the party (May 2011)
5telios: Self portrait, playing with the macro lens, August 2011
5telios: Korinna with N. at the Olympia snack bar, October 2011 (as scanned)
5telios: Korinna with N. at the Olympia snack bar, October 2011 (processed)
5telios: Ariadne at the Olympia snack-bar, October 2011 (as scanned)
5telios: Ariadne at the Olympia snack-bar, October 2011 (processed)
5telios: Korinna and Ariadne in the stadium, October 2011
5telios: Ariadne at Olympia, in Stereo! (October 2011)
5telios: At Lake Ladon, October 2011
5telios: K at Larissa Castle, December 2006
5telios: So-called Pyramid of Hellenikon, with K, December 2006
5telios: K as french dwarf on Hellenikon 'Pyramid', December 2006
5telios: Inspired by a trip to the paediatrician, December 2012
5telios: Polykleitan male with no willy, LoL, Jan 2013
5telios: A rare selfie, with K., from August 2008
5telios: Theatre of Chaironeia, October 2008
5telios: Ariadne with Cthulhu (fhtagn!), June 2013
5telios: Ariadne explores the First Cemetery - February 2011
5telios: St. Elizabeth's, Marburg, December 2008
5telios: Breastfeeding granny