5telios: Pelion bats
5telios: Pelion bats
5telios: Pelion bats
5telios: Pelion bats
5telios: Pelion bats
5telios: Nikos and the stygobitic crayfish
5telios: The stygobitic crayfish and Petzl Duo for scale
5telios: The stygobitic crayfish and the cool LED
5telios: Dolichopod cave cricket
5telios: Kostas and the spider-web
5telios: Not so lucky
5telios: Rather large and ugly-looking caterpillar
5telios: Fossil collection of Thermopighi, Serres
5telios: Fossil colection of Thermopighi, Serres
5telios: Snail at 2000m on Falakro
5telios: Cave-cricket (probably juvenile) of Mavrovouni
5telios: Cave-mouse of Mavrovouni
5telios: Cave-mouse of Mavrovouni
5telios: Fauna of the Koutouki cave, Dolichopoda
5telios: Fauna of the Koutouki cave, Dolichopoda
5telios: Fauna of the Koutouki cave, Isopod
5telios: Fauna of the Koutouki cave, Dolichopoda
5telios: Fauna of the Koutouki cave, Dolichopoda
5telios: Cave cricket near the entrance to Dersios
5telios: Anouran on the Paliochora plateau, May 2010
5telios: Ensifera, Paliochora plateau, May 2010
5telios: Dersios Dolichopoda sp. May 2010
5telios: Paliochora arachnid, May 2010
5telios: Dersios Dolichopoda sp. May 2010
5telios: Little lizard with caving wellie, May 2010