5telios: zas-cave
5telios: cave-zas
5telios: Entering the Blue Cave
5telios: The Kolones Cave on Kastellorizo
5telios: Entrance to the Kolones caves on Kastelorizo
5telios: Kostas exits the blue cave
5telios: Interior: Blue Cave
5telios: Swimmers in the blue cave
5telios: Dinghy enters blue cave
5telios: The entrance of Saligaros cave
5telios: Leonidas in Saligaros cave
5telios: The entrance to Saligaros cave in natural and flash light
5telios: Pretties in Saligaros cave
5telios: Small climb in Saligaros cave
5telios: Entrance to the Zesta Nera Cave, Sidhirokastro
5telios: Entrance to the Zesta Nera Cave, Sidhirokastro
5telios: Entrance to the Zesta Nera Cave, Sidhirokastro
5telios: The stygobitic crayfish and the cool LED
5telios: The stygobitic crayfish and Petzl Duo for scale
5telios: Nikos and the stygobitic crayfish
5telios: Large chamber to the right, so-called "Cave of the Cyclops", Maroneia, Greece
5telios: Large chamber to the left, so-called "Cave of the Cyclops", Maroneia, Greece
5telios: Shield speleothem, so-called "Cave of the Cyclops", Maroneia, Greece
5telios: General view of the main chamber, Cave of Orpheus
5telios: Stalactites in the Cave of Orpheus
5telios: Main chamber, Cave of Orpheus
5telios: Looking in from the entrance, Cave of Orpheus
5telios: General view of the Megalo Hani cave of Serres
5telios: Tetrapod carving - Megalo Hani Cave in Serres
5telios: Tetrapod carving - Megalo Hani Cave in Serres