5telios: avocado-night
5telios: Avocado-night-2
5telios: First fruits
5telios: Tomato just set - 14 June 2009
5telios: Oregano in flower in the garden
5telios: Parsley
5telios: Oregano
5telios: Marjoram
5telios: Oregano
5telios: Lemon balm
5telios: Oregano
5telios: Spearmint flower, July 2007
5telios: Spearmint flower, with friend, July 2007
5telios: Basil flower, July 2007
5telios: Parsley from the garden April 2011
5telios: Oregano, off camera flash above, kit lens, June 2011
5telios: Oregano, kit lens, June 2011
5telios: Oregano, 55mm micro nikkor, June 2011
5telios: Oregano, 55mm micro nikkor, June 2011
5telios: Chili seed (Bucovo variety), dry
5telios: Chili seeds (Bucovo variety), wet
5telios: Chili peppers of the Bucovo variety, with flesh
5telios: Chili peppers of the Bucovo variety, as teeth