Alison OR Sean:
Vineyard by Lake Geneva from the train
Alison OR Sean:
Lake Geneva from the train
Alison OR Sean:
There's a marmot park people pay big bucks to take a train to. I don't know.
Alison OR Sean:
Our room
Alison OR Sean:
Alison OR Sean:
Our hotel is kind of an eyesore
Alison OR Sean:
Lake Geneva
Alison OR Sean:
Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Where The Prisoner of Chillon poem by Lord Byron takes place
Alison OR Sean:
15th c. ceiling at Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
I think 13th c. post at Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
14th c. painted walls at Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
We biked from our ugly hotel on the left
Alison OR Sean:
Ceiling at Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Where we go next
Alison OR Sean:
Lord Byron wrote a poem about Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Ceiling at Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Alison OR Sean:
Alison OR Sean:
Lake Geneva
Alison OR Sean:
Lake Geneva
Alison OR Sean:
Lake Geneva
Alison OR Sean:
So many stairs climbed
Alison OR Sean:
So many stairs climbed
Alison OR Sean:
Lake Geneva and Château de Chillon from the keep
Alison OR Sean:
Château de Chillon
Alison OR Sean:
Château de Chillon and Lake Geneva