j2vphoto: 095A7144
j2vphoto: Cape Cod
j2vphoto: 095A9855
j2vphoto: Rangley Maine
j2vphoto: IMG_7624
j2vphoto: Zagray Farm
j2vphoto: CERM Train Museum
j2vphoto: Johnathan Edwards
j2vphoto: 095A0717-Edit
j2vphoto: Lensbaby Love
j2vphoto: 095A3143
j2vphoto: 095A3240
j2vphoto: 095A3240-Edit
j2vphoto: 095A3347-Edit
j2vphoto: Willimantic
j2vphoto: Sunrise at Point Judith
j2vphoto: 095A5869
j2vphoto: 095A6199-Edit copy
j2vphoto: Diana's Pool
j2vphoto: They said shoot the train.
j2vphoto: Good Morning
j2vphoto: Everyone needs to slow down and smell the flowers.
j2vphoto: Cedar, Northern Saw Whet Owl
j2vphoto: Velvet 56
j2vphoto: Long Eared Owl
j2vphoto: Building the nest
j2vphoto: Mothers Love