Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Pink Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium acaule)
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Albino Pink Lady Slipper
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: A Five Bucket Goldoni
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Walking the Straight and Narrow
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Late Season Trail Work
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Bebop the Juliana Pig
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Fall 2016 - Distant Hill Pollinator Meadow Site After Black Plastic was Removed
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: More Trail to Explore
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Trailhead Kiosk and Gate at Distant Hill Nature Trail
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Spring 2016 - Keeping the Plastic In Place
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: White Rock Woods Stone Bench
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Build Your Own Stone Cairn
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Nature Trail Open Year-round
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Spotted Salamander Egg Mass
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Distant Hill Nature Trail Kiosk
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Building the Accessible Trail
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Purple Trillium Blooms at Last