Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Mountain Maple (Acer spicatum)
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) Identification by its Bud
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: White Ash (Fraxinus americana) Identification by its Bud
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: American Chestnut Leaves
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: I Have a Point to Make
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Speckled Alder in Winter
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Myrtle Warbler (Setophaga coronata coronata)
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Showy Mountain Ash Berries
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Showy Mountain Ash Flower
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Showy Mountain Ash Flowers
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Two Native Trees in Bloom