Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Kaytdid or Grasshopper?
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: They Sure Look Like Caterpillars
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: A Flower Fly (Anasimyia interpuncta)
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: A Honeybee on Milkweed
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Good for Squash - Feather-Legged Fly
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: I Guess Not All Ladybugs Are Ladies
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Northern Walking Stick
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Hoverfly Species (Toxomerus geminatus)
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Working in the Shadows
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Flower Fly - An Important Plant Pest Predator
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Unknown Species of Long-horned Beetle
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Lorn-horned Beetle Up Close
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Tricolored Bumble Bee
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Leafhopper - Graphocephala picta
Distant Hill Gardens and Nature Trail: Scarlet and Green Leafhopper