Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be absolutely prepared for University!"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will not overthink things"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will stop involving myself in other people's business!"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will design my own car with no effect on the environment and have eaten 7 ferrerro rochers in 1 minute"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will grow up and realise that dreams are fragile"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be completely settled in at college.. I hope"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will finish my story about the forbidden forest"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have forgotten EVERYTHING I know to do with maths"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have enough confidence and motivation to pass my AS Levels"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will overcome my habit of biting my nails"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have grown and cut my hair for charity - "
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have my own crystal business "
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will truly know what it feels like to miss someone I love"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be confident and happy"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be confident!"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be able to read piano music like a book"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have had over 2950 hours of sleep and still be tired!"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be older and wiser"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will learn to face the truth"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have written, played, recorded and mixed my own song, instead of doing it for somebody else!"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be one stone lighter and ten years younger"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will have finally mastered the art of getting up early. Maybe."
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be comfortable in my own skin"
Strange Cargo Arts Company: "I will be a better person"