12th St David: Tinto y Tapas
12th St David: Go/Stop
12th St David: Airport
12th St David: Palm Diptych
12th St David: Schwinn Diptych
12th St David: Autumn Shadows
12th St David: 7th Battalion
12th St David: Amtrak Sunset Diptych
12th St David: Skylight Diptych
12th St David: St Saviour Triptych
12th St David: Union Diptych
12th St David: Drop Triptych
12th St David: Vaporetto Diptych
12th St David: Broad St Diptych
12th St David: FF74: Addio Diptych
12th St David: FF78: Medical Tower Diptych
12th St David: S Pamet Road
12th St David: House of Pork
12th St David: FF85: Double Diptych
12th St David: FF88: Communion Diptych
12th St David: Koko Diptych
12th St David: FF91: 99 Bottles/99 Problems
12th St David: Bill Payment Center (Scene of the Crime)
12th St David: Adams Publishing
12th St David: FF99: Bridge St
12th St David: Jesus Party Diptych
12th St David: FF108: T Floors
12th St David: Fino Shoes
12th St David: Columbus Diptych