slowmelt: Hungary or Bust
slowmelt: so peaceful
slowmelt: landing, metro Budapest
slowmelt: window geraniums
slowmelt: Vorosmarty Utca
slowmelt: the yellow paint reminds me of Italy
slowmelt: hostel/hostel office
slowmelt: first meal in Hungary
slowmelt: they served the coffee with a warm little cookie that tasted a lot like ice cream cone
slowmelt: lovely building detail
slowmelt: fresh off the plane
slowmelt: my cousin's favorite bath stuff
slowmelt: the courtyard of our apartment building
slowmelt: wow peach soup with vanilla bean seeds in it!
slowmelt: it was worth the excitement
slowmelt: It was much greener than I imagined
slowmelt: Germans enjoying Budapest
slowmelt: amazing veal, served with a flower!
slowmelt: lovely lamps