wafanlane: Township and county lines around Willowwood Arboretum a Morris County Park, NJ, USA.
wafanlane: Bug on Phlox Paniculata
wafanlane: Bug on Phlox Can anyone ID this?
wafanlane: Bug on Phlox
wafanlane: Clematis Orientalis Ranunculaceae
wafanlane: Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides
wafanlane: Dawn Redwood towers above the rest
wafanlane: Day time Moon
wafanlane: Willowwood Arboretum
wafanlane: Faded Beauty
wafanlane: Landscape
wafanlane: Landscape
wafanlane: Milkweed Pod
wafanlane: Milkweed Pod
wafanlane: Non-vining Clematis leaf
wafanlane: Non-vining Clematis seed head
wafanlane: Non-vining Clematis seed head
wafanlane: Pampas Grass
wafanlane: Purple Flowers
wafanlane: Red Flowers
wafanlane: Viburnum Setigerum
wafanlane: Cotoneaster