The Eternal Journeyman: BedfordTK HCBAngus tender Dun Laoghaire 1982
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK HCB Angus Dun Laoghaire 1984
The Eternal Journeyman: Bray Bedford TKG HCB-Angus 730DNI
The Eternal Journeyman: Bray Bedford TK HCB-Angus UNI602
The Eternal Journeyman: Bray Bedford TKG HCB-Angus Tender 152KN
The Eternal Journeyman: Dunlaoire Bedford J6 ambulance
The Eternal Journeyman: Kildare 86-KE-2591 Bedford TL
The Eternal Journeyman: Kildare 86-KE-2591a Bedford TL
The Eternal Journeyman: Kildare TK HCB-ANGUS TIO902a
The Eternal Journeyman: Kildare TK HCB-ANGUS TIO902b
The Eternal Journeyman: Kildare TK HCB-ANGUS TIO902
The Eternal Journeyman: Tullamore Bedford TKG HCB-Angus 3621IR
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK Alexander
The Eternal Journeyman: HCB Angus Bedford TK
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK engine bay
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TM Refueler
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK 1260 cab
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK 1930
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK 1930 cab
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford J type
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK (2)
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK (3)
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK (4)
The Eternal Journeyman: Hunt Bedford TK
The Eternal Journeyman: Bedford TK 4x2 tipper 6113ZO Cathal Brugha Barracks 1987