NE2 3PN: Lloyds Bank, The Moor, Sheffield about 1985
NE2 3PN: Lloyds Bank, The Moor, Sheffield about 1985
NE2 3PN: 44871 at Sheffield - steam special returning to Cleethorpes
NE2 3PN: Frozen assets - 1979
NE2 3PN: Owen Building, Sheffield Hallam University, from Howard Street. What if - poetic art by Andrew Motion
NE2 3PN: Abbey House, Santander Bank, Carbrook, Sheffield contact centre
NE2 3PN: East Midlands Trains Class 158 Sprinters meet at Dore and Totley
NE2 3PN: S H Wesley & Son Ltd reappears at 187 Baslow Road,Totley
NE2 3PN: Howden Moors below Horse Stone Naze
NE2 3PN: Shelter beside Lands Clough on the Howden Moors
NE2 3PN: Shelter beside Lands Close on the Howden Moors
NE2 3PN: Ex Devon General MCW bodied AEC Regent V, TTT 781, at Fox House, Longshaw, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: Demolition, The Moor, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: Demolition, The Moor, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: Demolition, The Moor, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: The Moor, and new Moor Market, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: The Moor, with new Moor Market, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: They've captured the Totley Walrus!
NE2 3PN: It's all over now
NE2 3PN: Just another cyclist? Winner of Tour de France 2014
NE2 3PN: 2014 Tour de Yorkshire approaches the finish of Stage 2 at Carbrook, Sheffield
NE2 3PN: Sheffield Peace Gardens - preparing to greet Le Tour de Yorkshire
NE2 3PN: Green Arrow at Dore and Totley, Sheffield, on The North Eastern railtour, 1979
NE2 3PN: Matchstick model of Sheffield Town Hall
NE2 3PN: Dore and Totley Station, then Derbyshire, now Sheffield, old postcard about 1910?
NE2 3PN: Dore and Totley Station, then Derbyshire, now Sheffield, old postcard 1914
NE2 3PN: Back of Harley Hotel and Lloyds Bank, Glossop Road, Sheffield, 1987
NE2 3PN: Harley Hotel, Glossop Road, Sheffield, 1987
NE2 3PN: Lloyds Bank, Sheffield University Branch, 338 Glossop Road, Sheffield, 1987
NE2 3PN: Georgian terrace, Glossop Road, Sheffield, 1987