timstutts: triangles_drawn_2
timstutts: triangle_clusters_no_gravity
timstutts: traingles_from_center_2
timstutts: network_proximity_sphere
timstutts: data_spool
timstutts: leo_meshy_3
timstutts: leo meshy
timstutts: triangle stacking
timstutts: exploding dandelion
timstutts: sphere unravel
timstutts: globe shader development
timstutts: "IF" node text
timstutts: flock of colorful ribbon forms
timstutts: particle systems with proximity nodes
timstutts: globe map generation glitch
timstutts: spherical motion
timstutts: flower_power_b_1
timstutts: Spectral Ball
timstutts: vortex_2
timstutts: vortex_1
timstutts: route_shroud
timstutts: heatmap_supersmooth_with_ficticious_data
timstutts: Business Card Designs, 2011
timstutts: energy_fields_3
timstutts: invite_1
timstutts: invite_3
timstutts: mosaic_effect_ui
timstutts: fft_modulates_image
timstutts: particle_spheres_3
timstutts: stereo_viz_3