Cbnloo5: DSC_0013
Cbnloo5: DSC_0012
Cbnloo5: Trying different hats I have here. I like the style of this pattern.
Cbnloo5: Trying different hats I have here. I like the style of this pattern.
Cbnloo5: Trying different hats I have here. I like the style of this pattern.
Cbnloo5: I am in awe at how this doll is so well painted
Cbnloo5: I love how the legs curl together
Cbnloo5: He came with a belly plate which is also painted so well
Cbnloo5: The sculpt is beautifully done!
Cbnloo5: I am in awe at how this doll is so well painted
Cbnloo5: I am in awe at how this doll is so well painted
Cbnloo5: A new hat. Melody makings pattern
Cbnloo5: I made an elf hat
Cbnloo5: More fun hats. The cream one is baby alpaca , pattern by melody makings.
Cbnloo5: I'm having fun knitting again!!